Would that peace and the stars above be as a covering o'er thy head; angels singing softly; God upon His throne. Many a night and many a day doth pass my way; yet thou art there, faraway; and thy heart doth drone in the murkiness of being alone, alone. Return, oh my love, thine eyes doth cast a tapestry of velvet and of warmth effervescent and of shining suns of far-off worlds. Bring forth thy love and stretch forth thy soul. Bring unto me a glorious thing in which I may delight. My one, my only. N'er wouldst there be darkness nor a sad spirit if thou wert always at my side. Begone, blackened heart of cold base metals. Shine on, Light Divine; for thou art mine only and we are meant for one the other. A true joy awaits us in a future that is near and we shall find ourselves enveloped within a Love, a Love so Majestic and so Empowered that we will cross universes in a heart's beat. And we will know Eternity and a Peace without end nor beginning. Let me bring thee into this Forever Love and know Endless Shalom.
©2002 Clarke Ensign Waldron
Opus No.4
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